Create A Marriage Worth Having!

Virtual Coaching sessions that actually help Marriages reconnect through Love, Intimacy, Communication, and dating!

United Marriage Coaching

Created For Couples Who Are Looking To Reignite Their Love And Reconnect. Find Hope  Even In The Toughest Of Times. Reunite, Revitalize, and Rediscover The Joy In Marriage! 

A Lack  Of Attention, Communication, Intimacy, and Dating 

Can Really Damage Your Marriage


A lack of communication creates unwanted arguments.


A lack of intimacy over time will create resentment.

Marriage Disconnect

When dating in a marriage stops, you are more prone to feel disconnected.

Marriage Doubt

Ultimately the lack of attention makes you wonder did you marry the right person?

Do Marriage Right !


1) Schedule A Call

2) I Work With You And Your Spouse Virtually To Reconnect

3) Enjoy Being Married Again

United Marriage Coaching

Created For Couples Who Are Looking To Reignite Their Love And Reconnect. Find Hope  Even In The Toughest Times. Reunite, Revitalize, and Rediscover The Joy In Marriage! 

Meet LeCo Hanson

Your Certified Relationship Coach

I became passionate about marriage after my husband and I married in 2017. Contrary to my previous beliefs on how our marriage would be, it seemed like our marriage from the beginning faced a number of challenges in the first years. After seeing and reflecting on how we made it through those challenges, I formed an undeniable passion to help other married couples who may be facing their own challenges and still have a desire to meet on the other side of the storm hand in hand. 

Throughout my short time in business, I have been able to help multiple couples, wives, and host one of many events tailored towards building a fun, intimate, and supportive marriage.

I specialize in working with married couples. I'm here to empower you to not only face these marriage challenges head on, but to equip you with the tools to build a relationship that thrives through it all.

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule a call today, to start the journey of reconnecting with your spouse and “doing marriage right!”

-Mrs. LeCo Hanson

What They Are Saying...

New Spouse

"When I first started, I thought I knew a lot more than I did however, I learned that I only knew a lot of the surface material. I was very Excited to learn More about what is happening in our relationship and how the military is going to provide for us. It has been so helpful in providing me with sources ad support groups that I will be able to use in the remainder of my life. Thank you LeCo!"



" I would recommend LeCo to any friend. She goes above and beyond with such motivation. LeCo is such a kind and happy woman and I thank her. I thank her for listening, for reminding me that I am so much more than what I was seeing. For guiding me towards the workforce. Thank you for all  the late night talks and smiles."

A. G.


"I really enjoyed the 7 weeks that I had with LeCo. She is such a well-rounded, unbiased, and knowledgable woman. She not only helped me recognize where I was falling short as a spouse and how my spouse and I could be consistent in our marriage despite my husband being active duty military.  I'd recommend her to any couple and will be using her again if I need her!"

K. M.
